Duties of Board Officers and Regional Representatives.

What makes NCLHIA the premiere home inspector association in North Carolina? The people of course. Not just the members, but the folks who help organize, coordinate, and manage the association. We’re talking about the Board of Directors and the Regional Representatives. 

But, have you ever wondered “What exactly are the Board Officers responsible for”?. If you have, then your probably not alone. So, let’s take a moment and review the different positions and the responsibilities of each. Becuase, in the words of GI Joe – “Knowing is half the battle!”


The President shall convene and run all quarterly or called meetings. The President shallserve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Committee for Nominations.


In the absence of the President, the Vice-president shall assume the duties as areassigned to him by the Association. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of the President, theVice-President shall serve as President until the adjournment of the next annual meeting, or until asuccessor is selected.


The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board. They shall also preserveall papers, letters, and transactions of the Association. They shall deliver to their successor, within onemonth after the Annual Meeting, all Association property in their possession.


The Treasurer and / or the Executive Director shall collect, receive and have charge of allfunds of the Association; shall deposit such funds in a bank designated by the Association board, andshall provide for the expenditure of such funds. Either the Treasurer or the Executive Director may signchecks for the disbursement of Association funds.

There is still one other postion that is essential to the strength and vitality of our association; the Regional Representative/Chapter President. If you’re not a part of a Chapter, then you should be. They’re the best way to plug into your local community of like-minded inspectors. If there isn’t a Chapter near you and you’d like to start one, let us know.

Regional Representative / Chapter President

The Regional Representative will serve as a Liaisonbetween the Board and a designated region, area or county of NC, as approved by the NCLHIA Board.They will provide NCLHIA Members in their area with a representative vehicle to participate in the governance of the Association and to communicate with the Association leadership. The will meetquarterly at the time and place of the Board’s quarterly meetings.

So there you have it. Now you, hopefully, have a better understanding of the NCLHIA leadership structure and the responsibilities of each position. We encourage you to head over the About page to see the current Board and Regional Representatives.

The North Carolina Licensed Home Inspector Association is constantly working to elevate the home inspection industry in North Carolina and abroad. 

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